My View on Science
The earliest I could remember experiencing science was when I was around seven years old and my older cousin had shown me an experiment of how to make play dough that she learned during her science class. I thought it was so interesting how I could make something that is sold in stores myself in my own home. Ever since then my cousin and I would always YouTube different experiments to do at home when we were with each other.
In elementary school my favorite part of science was when we did hands- on-experiments and went to museums such as, The Liberty Science Center. In intermediate school and high school, I liked the labs when we would have to dissect animals and worked with chemicals. I liked these the best because instead of reading from a textbook and doing worksheets I was able to see how science worked by testing different methods out for myself. Although I always enjoyed science, I did not enjoy my science class that I took in college which was Earth Science. I have taken Earth Science before in high school and did not really enjoy the class then either. I thought it was because I did not enjoy the teacher at first, but then when I took the class again I came to the conclusion that I do not like the topic. I realized I am more interested in the body rather than rocks. What I never noticed until I thought about it now was that most of the girls in my class didn't really like science like I did. They would always be scared to touch the different materials and see what was going to happen. However, the boys in my class were always eager and excited for science and loved touching everything....even the dead frog intestines.
Above contains a link to my essay.