Monday, February 1, 2016

Doing is Learning


There are many different myths about inquiry that people believe are actually true, but in reality they are false. For example, many believe that inquiry is “soft science” but this is not true it promotes active learning, questioning and communication skills. Also, many believe that teachers cannot assess inquiry based learning, but this is not true because one can use portfolios, writing journals, and self-evaluations. In the article, “What is Inquiry?” people explained what they believe inquiry means. If I had to give my own definition of inquiry I would say it is, curiosity that drives one to think critically to produce different experiments and methods to come to a conclusion and apply it to similar situations. Ever since I was in elementary school I remember teachers would always say “think critically,” but I never really understood what that meant until high school. I think it is important for teachers to show us how to think critically and outside the box instead of just saying to do it. I think the 5E instructional model gives teachers ways to allow students think critically without just saying it. By getting students engaged in a topic by having discussions and watching videos etc., they will make connections allowing them to listen and understand the topic more. By exploring and getting even more involved in a topic by doing group work and experiments helps students see their peer’s perspectives and enables them to think in ways they wouldn’t have themselves. Explaining and communicating with classmates and teachers allows students to, reflect on what they have learned and express it to others. The fourth “e” in the 5E instructional model is, extend which allows students to use what they have learned and apply it to something new. Lastly, being able to critique and evaluate yourself is key and will better future problem solving. These five methods grants students a way to explore different skills to get a better understanding of a topic and personal experience while learning because they are being active learners, which is why inquiry and the 5E method go together.


1 comment:

  1. Daniela,
    I absolutely LOVE your personal definition of inquiry. I agree with it whole-heartedly. Like yourself, I remember teachers telling me to "think critically" all of the time but no teacher had ever quite defined what it meant to "think critically" or how to do it. I also remember shying away from textbook questions labeled "Critical Thinking" because I always thought I didn't know how. Having inquiry and the 5E model will make that issue in classrooms an extinct problem. Instead of saying "Think Critically" the students can be encouraged to "Answer the question using the steps of inquiry." I really like how you connected your blog post to your personal experiences in school. As a future educator, it is important to be able to reflect on your personal experiences and work hard to make sure your future students have a better experience. Lastly, it was a pleasure to work with you this semester. I wish you the best in your future as I know you will be very successful. Enjoy your summer!

    Danielle :)
