Observations During Fieldwork
During fieldwork at Bishop Dunn we were split up into different groups and had to teach two lessons. While we were not teaching we had to observe other teacher candidates teach their two lessons. I believe that each group learned a lot from observing one another and each group got better and better. While observing Group 1Direct Instruction Lesson I noticed that they spent a lot of time waiting for students to finish copying notes on the board. This made my group come up with the idea to give students a printed out version of the notes from the smartboard with blanks that they need to fill in. This saved so much time. While observing the other groups I think they took a little of everyone's lesson. They copied what went well such as: asking questions, explaining information in deph, and talking loud and clear. These are all aspects of a lesson that makes students learn better. While observing Inquiry lessons they all involved students working together and doing research together exploring to get a deeper understaning of the topic being taught. I noticed that while some groups were teaching the students were getting loud and roudy. It is good to have some noise in the classroom because that means that students are working together. However, the classroom should not sound like an amusement park because it can be distracting and chaotic. To prevent the class from being too loud teacher candidates should have a variety of attention grabbers so that students don't get used to one and have it mean nothing. Overall, I really enjoyed teaching and observing the different Direct and Inquiry lessons!
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